Be Ready To Play With An Athletic Mouthguard

Many of us are missing sports, and no one more than the athletes who love playing and competing. When the day comes that you can take to the field or the court again, our team at Perfect-A-Smile Dental Group wants you to stay in the game. A dental injury can undo the weeks and months of preparation you have spent preparing to compete.

Knowing this, we want to give you some reason to wear a custom-designed athletic mouthguard.

It protects your winning smile

Athletes who don’t wear mouthguards are 60 times more likely to suffer dental injuries. Mouthguards, like other pieces of protective gear, don’t stop accidents from happening, but they can greatly lessen the effects of collisions and falls on your smile.

Better protection comes from a better fit

NASCAR drivers don’t use the same seat belts that you have in your family vehicle. Instead, they used five-point harnesses for added security. Likewise, you should wear a mouthguard that was molded to fit your teeth instead of boil-and-bite mouthguards that offer some protection, but not as much as they could.

Breathe, drink, and speak easier

Bulky store-bought mouthguards can be uncomfortable to wear. Many athletes have complained that these mouthguards can affect how they breathe and whether they can communicate with teammates and coaches. Drinking water while wearing these mouthguards can be difficult as well. By getting a custom-made mouthguard, you have a smaller, more comfortable appliance, which allows you to breathe, drink, and speak without removing it.

Get ready for your next game by stopping by our Chagrin Falls, OH office for your own personalized mouthguard. Contact us online or call 440-583-6395.