
Dental bridges are a key component of restorative dentistry, offering a reliable solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring the functionality and aesthetics of your smile. At Perfect A Smile, we leverage advanced technology and materials to provide dental bridges that not only look natural but also feel comfortable and last for many years.

Bridging the Gap in Your Smile

Missing teeth can affect more than just your appearance; they can lead to shifting of the remaining teeth, bite problems, and even changes in facial structure. Dental bridges are designed to “bridge” the gap created by one or more missing teeth, using a prosthetic tooth (or teeth) anchored by crowns on either side.

Why Consider a Dental Bridge?

A bridge may be an appropriate treatment for:

  • Restored Functionality: Bridges allow you to chew and speak properly, just like with your natural teeth.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics: They restore the appearance of your smile, boosting your confidence and self-esteem.
  • Prevention of Shifting: By filling the gap, bridges prevent the remaining teeth from moving out of place, which could lead to further dental issues.

Our Dental Bridge Solutions

At Perfect A Smile, we offer several types of dental bridges, tailored to meet the diverse needs of our patients:

Traditional Fixed Bridges

The most common type, consisting of a prosthetic tooth (or teeth) supported by dental crowns cemented onto the adjacent natural teeth.

Implant-Supported Bridges

For a more stable and durable solution, these bridges are anchored to dental implants instead of natural teeth.

CEREC Bridges

Utilizing the cutting-edge CAD/CAM technology of our CEREC system, we can create and place bridges right in our office, often in just one visit.

The Perfect A Smile Advantage: Same-Day CEREC Technology

One of the standout features of our dental bridge services is the ability to provide same-day crowns for bridges using our in-house CEREC technology. This advanced system allows us to:
  • Reduce Treatment Time: Say goodbye to temporary crowns and multiple appointments. With CEREC, we can prepare your teeth, digitally scan your teeth, and complete your bridge in a single visit.
  • Ensure Precision and Comfort: Digital impressions and on-site milling mean your crowns and bridges fit perfectly, ensuring comfort and longevity.
  • Match Your Natural Teeth: CEREC technology allows us to closely match the color of the crown to your natural teeth, ensuring your bridge looks seamless and natural.

Why Choose Perfect A Smile for Your Dental Bridge

Choosing Perfect A Smile Dental Group for your dental bridge means selecting a team that values precision, aesthetics, and your personal comfort. Our experienced dentists and our talented team are dedicated to restoring smiles with solutions that are not only effective but also tailored to each patient’s unique needs. With our advanced CEREC technology, we’re proud to offer the convenience and efficiency that set us apart, ensuring you spend less time in the dental chair and more time enjoying your rejuvenated smile.

If you’re considering a dental bridge to replace missing teeth, let Perfect A Smile in Chagrin Falls help you explore your options and discover the best solution for your smile. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step toward a fuller, more confident smile.