
Rediscover the joy of a full, functional smile with custom dentures from Perfect A Smile Dental Group. Advances in dental materials and technology have significantly improved the comfort, stability, and appearance of dentures, making them a great option for anyone looking to replace missing teeth. Our team is dedicated to providing dentures that not only restore your ability to eat and speak with ease but also enhance your smile and overall facial appearance.

When Are Dentures a Good Option?

Dentures may be the ideal solution for you if you’re experiencing:

  • Multiple missing teeth
  • Significant tooth decay or gum disease leading to tooth loss
  • The need for an affordable and efficient tooth replacement option

Types of Dentures Available at Perfect A Smile

At Perfect A Smile, we offer a variety of denture options to suit every need and preference:

Conventional Full Dentures 

Replace an entire arch of teeth, removable for daily cleaning.

Conventional Partial Dentures

Fill in gaps when some healthy teeth remain, easily removable.

Implant-Retained Dentures

Attach to dental implants via a snap-and-ball system for enhanced stability without the need for adhesives.

Implant-Supported Dentures

The most stable and comfortable option, these are fixed to a bar that’s anchored to dental implants, offering unparalleled support and function.

The Process of Getting Dentures

Creating your perfect set of dentures involves several steps to ensure they fit comfortably and look natural.

  • Consultation: Our team assesses your oral health and discusses your expectations and preferences.
  • Impressions: Digital scans of your mouth are taken to design your dentures.
  • Fitting: We provide try-ins to adjust the fit and appearance of your dentures, ensuring they meet your approval.
  • Final Adjustments: Once satisfied, final adjustments are made for comfort and function.

Embracing Modern Technology

We utilize digital scanning technology to create precise models of your mouth, ensuring your dentures fit perfectly and support your facial structure. This approach allows for more accurate and comfortable dentures compared to traditional methods.

FAQ About Dentures

There is an adjustment period, but many patients find they can eat comfortably with dentures after a short time. We’ll provide tips to make the transition easier.
Dentures require daily cleaning with specific products and should be soaked overnight in a denture solution. Regular dental check-ups are also important.
Absolutely. Modern dentures are designed to look very natural. We customize the color, shape, and size of the denture teeth to match your facial features and preferences.
With proper care, dentures can last several years. However, changes in your mouth’s shape might require them to be relined or replaced to maintain a good fit.

Ready to Restore Your Smile?

Rediscover the confidence to smile, speak, and enjoy your favorite foods with dentures from Perfect A Smile Dental Group. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a full, vibrant smile.