Tooth Extractions

At Perfect A Smile Dental Group, we always prioritize the health and preservation of your natural teeth. However, there are instances where tooth extraction is necessary to maintain or improve your overall oral health. Our Chagrin Falls dental team ensures that if an extraction is required, the procedure is as comfortable and stress-free as possible.

Why Tooth Extraction May Be Necessary

While the idea of tooth removal may seem daunting, it can sometimes be the best option for relieving pain and preventing further oral health issues.

Reasons for tooth extraction include:

  • Severe tooth decay or infection that cannot be resolved with root canal therapy.
  • Advanced periodontal disease leading to tooth instability.
  • Overcrowding, often in preparation for orthodontic treatment.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth causing pain, infection, or other dental problems.

Ensuring Your Comfort and Ease

Understanding the anxiety associated with tooth extractions, Perfect A Smile Dental Group offers a compassionate approach and several comfort measures:

Sedation Options

Choose from inhaled sedation with laughing gas for a warm, relaxed feeling, or oral conscious sedation for a deeper state of relaxation.

Patient Comforts

Enjoy our large patient care rooms equipped with TVs, streaming music, headphones, soft pillows, and warm blankets.

Caring Staff 

Our compassionate team is dedicated to providing exceptional care and support throughout your procedure

Advanced Solutions Following Extraction

Losing a tooth doesn’t mean the end of your beautiful smile. Perfect A Smile offers innovative solutions to replace your extracted tooth. All possible tooth replacement options will be discussed with you before your tooth is extracted.

FAQs About Tooth Extractions

Our priority is your comfort. With modern anesthesia and sedation options, you should feel no pain during the extraction. Some discomfort post-procedure is normal, but we’ll provide guidance on managing it.
Recovery varies by individual but generally involves a few days of rest and limited activity. We’ll give you detailed aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth healing process.
Avoid smoking, using straws, and vigorous rinsing to protect the extraction site and promote healing. We’ll provide a comprehensive list of do’s and don’ts.
With our cutting-edge technology, many patients are candidates for same-day implants and crowns. We’ll discuss your eligibility and options during your consultation.

Talk with Our Experienced Team Today

If you’re facing the possibility of a tooth extraction, trust the skilled team at Perfect A Smile Dental Group to provide you with the highest level of care. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and learn more about how we can help you achieve and maintain optimal oral health.