Visit Our Highly Recommended General Dentists (video)

Our general dentists want you to be as healthy and as happy as you can be. Our entire team in Chagrin Falls, OH is dedicated to your oral health and to your comfort. It’s why so many people who visit us become long-term patients and friends. James is someone who recommends us to others. “The […]

Give The Gift Of A Whiter Smile

During the holiday season, many singers have sung about dreaming of a white Christmas. We can’t do anything about the weather, but we could help you have a whiter smile. By visiting our office in Chagrin Falls, OH, you could remove the deep stains from your teeth and revive your bright smiles. For the fastest […]

Remember To Floss In The Fight Against Gum Disease

Everyone can be grateful for a healthy smile. It’s something we hope you and your loved ones can be thankful to have this Thanksgiving and many holidays to come. Being proactive about your oral health is the best way to do that. Having a consistent daily oral care routine can go a long way toward […]

Get Your Smile Back With Restorative Dentistry (video)

Addy describes herself as a smiley, happy person, but she became self-conscious as she developed problems with her teeth. Today, she is back to feeling good about her smile. In the video below, she explains how restorative dentistry at Perfect-A-Smile Dental Group has changed her life for the better. “It’s a gift that they’ve given […]

Create A Wonderful Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry

As many singers have sung, we are approaching “the most wonderful time of the year.” With Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s on the horizon, you will have plenty of reasons to gather with family and friends. You may have an office party or two that you will be attending, and your family may take a […]

Even Up Your Smile With ClearCorrect [quiz]

If you’re suffering from a crooked smile, these days you’re no longer limited to orthodontic treatment using traditional metal braces. You can even up your smile with ClearCorrect’s smooth plastic teeth aligners. Benefits of ClearCorrect include: Comfortable, metal-free teeth straightening Beautiful results in as few as 12 months Discreet treatment that others will hardly notice […]

We Can Help You Handle Dental Anxiety (video)

This is the time of year when scary movies return to theaters. Haunted houses spring up, too, and many people will choose scary costumes to wear. Yet, dental anxiety is not anything anyone finds fun. We understand this is a real obstacle to oral health for many people in and around Chagrin Falls, OH. As […]

Stop By Soon To See Our Family Dentists

We hope to see you soon. The end of the year is getting closer, and we don’t want you to lose the benefits that come with having a healthy smile. That’s also why we want to encourage you to take advantage of your dental insurance. Most insurance plans have benefits that need to be used […]

Should You Talk To Us About Straight Teeth? (quiz)

You may not be sure why you don’t like your smile, but you are sure you would like it to be straighter. Whether you are a teenager or an adult, orthodontic treatment can give you the straight teeth you want to see when you look in the mirror. At Perfect-A-Smile Dental Group, we can help […]

Ease Your Pain With A Root Canal Treatment (video)

James knows from his personal experience that people have good reasons to get root canal treatments. In his case, that reason was pain. If you watch the video below, you also can understand why he came to our office in Chagrin Falls, OH for his procedure. “They make it as easy as possible as comfortable […]